Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared to Speak English

When I moved to Madrid to become an English teacher, I was faced with the daunting task of speaking Spanish. I was anxious and nervous about making mistakes, constantly worried that others would think I was ignorant or just another stereotypical Brit abroad. This fear of imperfection had a significant impact on my confidence and hindered my progress in learning the language.

Just like my experience with Spanish, many of my English students face the same fear. Despite having good levels of English—able to understand complex texts and follow TED Talks—they struggle to speak confidently. They stick to simple topics or familiar language, avoiding the risk of making mistakes. If this sounds like you, it’s time to let go of that fear. Here's why you shouldn’t be scared to speak English, even if you’re worried about making mistakes.

Native English Speakers Make Mistakes All the Time

One of the biggest reasons you shouldn't fear making mistakes when speaking English is that even native speakers make them. If you listen closely to any casual conversation between native English speakers, you'll notice they frequently use incorrect grammar, mispronounce words, or mix up phrases.

For example, it's common to hear someone say "could of" instead of "could have," or mixing up "they're," "their," and "there." These mistakes are so commonplace that most people don’t even notice them, and they certainly don’t judge others for making them. Communication is about conveying your message, not about perfect grammar. If your listener understands what you mean, you've succeeded.

So, why hold yourself to an impossible standard? Even people who have spoken English for 80 or 90 years still make mistakes. It’s normal, and it’s part of being human. Remember, the goal of speaking a language is to communicate, not to be flawless.

Mistakes Are an Essential Part of Learning

The second reason not to fear mistakes is that they are crucial to your learning process. If you never make mistakes, you never learn. Think of it like playing a game of chess—if you win every match without any challenge, you won’t improve. But if you lose and learn from your mistakes, you get better.

Language learning is similar. Each mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve. In a classroom setting or with a tutor, mistakes are especially valuable because they can be corrected, helping you to learn faster and more effectively. Even in casual conversations, if someone does correct you (which is rare), it’s just another step toward mastering the language.

Embrace Mistakes to Expand Your Vocabulary and Confidence

Fear of making mistakes often keeps people from experimenting with new words or phrases. This limits your growth and keeps you stuck in a small, comfortable range of vocabulary. But if you challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone, make mistakes, and learn from them, you’ll find that your language skills will improve more quickly.

Most people won’t even notice your mistakes, and those who do are unlikely to correct you or make you feel embarrassed. But even if they do, it’s not the end of the world. Simply move on, learn from it, and keep speaking. The more you practice, the better you’ll become.


Don’t let the fear of making mistakes hold you back from speaking English. Native speakers make mistakes all the time, and so will you—and that’s okay. Embrace those mistakes as part of your learning journey. Remember, the goal is communication, not perfection. As you push yourself to speak more, challenge your vocabulary, and accept your mistakes, you’ll find your confidence growing, and your English improving faster than you ever thought possible.


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